About Us

Over the last few decades we have seen our cellular devices evolve from something more akin to a brick, to an ultra thin portable powerhouse. We have seen architecture shift towards being a race to see who reaches the clouds first. We have seen multi-million dollar companies burn themselves into the ground, ultimately losing everything. This is business – a bittersweet ballad of achievements and failures.

Welcome to Pitfalls To Avoid In Business.

pitfalls to avoid in business graph decline negative

Business can be ruthless. When parties are governed by financial gain and everything at its essence has monetary value, the stakes are amplified – tenfold. In this industry there can often be no room for trial and error. In this magazine, we will be covering a range of topics such as marketing, consumer behaviour, brand strategy, target markets and more. Our mission is to show you the errors, so you do not repeat it. Call it Business 101 if you must, or damage control.